De led laser wordt gebruikt voor diverse huid -en haarproblemen. Het kan ook ingezet worden na elke behandeling voor nog beter resultaat.
Na de behandeling is de zone mooi egaal licht roze van kleur en na 10 min terug normaal.
Direct resultaat zichtbaar!
Kan alleen gebruikt worden of hetzij gecombineerd.

INDICATIONS clinical studies

PDT with ALA5% 20%: 2/3 minutes instead of 8-25min in one session, Painless
Stretch marks elimination, (Old and new, white and red up to 80%)
Full body anti aging (Can be combined with organic silicon)
Treat acne in 4 sessions, Herpes, Vitiligo and Psoriasis
Prevention of hair loss and growth activation with organic silicon or centella asiatica
Skin tightening with organic silicon or vitamin C
Evens skin tone and removes most aging spots
Chemical peel side effects reduction (Redness, faster healing…)
Healing (varicose veins, ulcers, epithelitis, dermabrasion, burns, surgery wounds)
Skin tightening after radiofrequency (better elimination of glycerol)
Vascular lesions treatment, Telangiectasia treatment
Reduces pain (Disturbance of the nociceptive transfer along C fibers)
Stress management and relaxation (nervous plexus and head illumination)

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